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WOW! Super Show 2 in Manila, I totally don't know what to say
I was just so damn happy to see them in person, performing in front of me lol
I can see them very clearly (my seat Svip Center Lower Box) so damn near the stage, I can just jump over the stage (lol I'm exaggerating).

All I can say is that all so of them are handsome especially Yesung (lol my bias is Heechul but I was totally mesmerized by Yesung), and of course all of them look so gorgeous.

(Shindong , Ryeowook, Heechul, Donghae, Eunhyuk) LOL
I still can't get over of Shindong counting 1 to 3 using Tagalog (isa, dalawa,tatlo, apat, lima, anim, pito, walo, siyam, sampu) kyopta~
and after that he even said "Ano ba yan"(What's that! [lol is my translation correct xD]) and the last one he said "Pasenya na po"(sorry) omo Shindong is the best, so adorable :D

Though some of them are not in there 100% percent (like Siwon, who was not able to go perform at the middle/last part of the concert because of his injury, and Heechul, who was not feeling good and I see him coughing :( ) still they give they very best to make us happy. I'm proud of them.

4jib Hwaiting!!!
SS3 Manila Soon Hwaiting!!!
=== ♥♥♥ ===
Man In Love Intro (Heechul Focus) p1
Super Junior Member Introduction p2
Donghae Beautiful Solo Perf. w/ Eunhyuk p3
Leeteuk changing his tshirt p4
Angela (Sungmin carrying Ryeowook) p5
=== ♥♥♥ ===
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