I like him. I hate him.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My "Super Junior Super Show 2" Concert Ticket

Last February 21, 2010 I finally got my SS2 Ticket
waaaaaaaaaah I so so happy and I got to see so many filipino fans of Super Junior.

ticket buying event

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10am me and my friends are already on the venue at Alimall [ticket buying only] there's a lot of fans in line, first to us so we have to wait really long for our turn.

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While we're waiting, each of the fan club member show there talents on stage, they dance 'Sorry Sorry', It's U, Super Girl, etc.

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And it's already 2pm when we finally get our tickets lol almost 4hrs of waiting ahaha my ticket is worth 7,920 <-- with TAX damn it! xD lol

My seat number SVIP Center Row D Seat 11 :D

but I'm not yet done because before I step out the venue I approach the table where all the flyers for the concert are placed and

I get those :::

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FLYERS!!! ahahaha

APRIL 10 please come faster!

[sorry again this post is not about SHOW]


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