note : format is .m4a

Download link
10 Tracks in one folder
individual downloads only
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1. Cheng Yao [Back Up]
2. Gao Diao Ai [Bombastic Love]
3. Di Er Shun Wei [Second-In-Line]
4. Gao Xiao [Amuse]
5. Qian Yi Shi Shi Kong [Subconscious Uncontrolled]
6. Ge Zhong Qiang Shou [Best of the Bunch ] - HOT SHOT
7. Xing Fu Bu Mie [Inextinguishable Happiness]
8. Chao Nan Zheng Zhuan [Trendy Man Chronicles]
9. Jia Ru Ni Hai Zai Zhe Li [If You Were Still Here]
10. Na Shou Jue Huo [Expertise]
*if there's any problem please let me know/comment

Download link
10 Tracks in one folder
individual downloads only
click :
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1. Cheng Yao [Back Up]
2. Gao Diao Ai [Bombastic Love]
3. Di Er Shun Wei [Second-In-Line]
4. Gao Xiao [Amuse]
5. Qian Yi Shi Shi Kong [Subconscious Uncontrolled]
6. Ge Zhong Qiang Shou [Best of the Bunch ] - HOT SHOT
7. Xing Fu Bu Mie [Inextinguishable Happiness]
8. Chao Nan Zheng Zhuan [Trendy Man Chronicles]
9. Jia Ru Ni Hai Zai Zhe Li [If You Were Still Here]
10. Na Shou Jue Huo [Expertise]
*if there's any problem please let me know/comment